Sunday, May 30, 2010

Time flies

Been a while ma cherie, months have been whizzing by. Since I last checked in, I've been doing some redrafts of a short shooting over the summer - VERY excited about it but can't talk much until it's actually shooting then some info - I don't want to jinx it. Also another which hopefully will shoot in the Autumn - this one's a blackly humorous horror which has led to a similarly veined feature set in Scotland which I'm currently working on - also very exciting but I'm fearful of the jinx fairy so lips zipped for a little while yet.

The first short I worked on is now in post-production, and I'm in the process of finishing off a feature script for my MFA course - need to get that redrafted once more over the summer, and also an essay.

Finally saw Kick Ass after a few false starts - ignore the scaremongerers going on about the language - it's funny, sharp, well-written, concise and about as much fun as you can have legally in a cinema. The violence looks painful (as it should) and the lead actor Aaron Johnson is pretty damn extraordinary. The rest of the cast all do a brilliant job, particularly Chloe Moretz who plays well beyond her years - seriously, no-one lets it down. I can't fault it - it does what it promises. Even Nic Cage gets a successfully tender moment whilst encased in rubber. FUN. Just saw Kick Ass 2: Balls To The Wall has been announced - fingers crossed it's as good.

Also saw Hot Tub Time Machine - it wasn't as funny as it thought it was but some of the 80's references were amusing, and a particularly gross joke involving hand-soap did make me giggle. It was disappointing, and also a little obvious with nubile lovelies blatantly shoe-horned in just to up the (naked) titty factor for the aimed-for male audience. It got tiresome pretty quickly, and John Cusack looked to be wearing too much eyeliner for my liking. Clark Duke as Jacob was the best thing in it. he plays a nerd, but he's a smart, sweet-hearted one. Crossover points - both Duke and Lyndsy Fonseca were in Kick Ass and HTTM.

Other happenings - my niece finally lost her first tooth after much fretting hurrah, the irises are out, I bought petunias from a one-eyed man, and have an idea for a 1970s-style inspired horror, and a new series of shorts - there isn't enough time - can somebody stretch it?

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