Monday, August 06, 2012

Lone Bird

Are you a lone bird or a sociable sort when it comes to writing?

I've enjoyed writing with a co-writer this month, on a feature project set in India with a musical element. We're currently at a developed treatment stage and already have some interest. It's been a while since I co-wrote, and in this case it's been fun and freeing. It helps that my co-writer is someone I've known for a long time. That trust helps enormously when it comes to talking about what works and doesn't in a script. You have to be able to be totally honest without worrying about offending the other party, but also aware of how to feedback professionally, and be completely ready to have your own efforts critiqued in the same manner. I love it actually, and I also love writing alone - it's great to have the option to do both.

I'm also nearing the end stage of the rom-com feature that has been going through a serious development phase recently. It's taken longer than I hoped as it's moved on so far but I'm ready to see the end of it. I've been living with it for a long time.

There's an experimental script on the horizon where I'll be working with a London director that I haven't worked with before, but it'll come after that short break I was talking about, along with another opportunity.

I haven't forgotten.

I shall spend a little time laying like a vegetable and reading books I haven't got round to.

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